Karainagar Divisional Hospital Improvement Works

Since 2009, Karai Welfare Society carried a vast amount of physical and hygiene improvement works at the hospital.

In 2011, at the request of the previous DMO, Mr Shafraz Majumudeen, and KWS society carried out minor refurbishment works to the hospital kitchen unit. The works involved in resurfacing the floor, putting a new ceiling, clean out the chimney, and installed netting to windows and vents to prevent from birds.

In 2012, the hospital emergence unit was built by KWS-UK former President Mr V Nagendrum on memorial of his parents Mr & Mrs Vinasithamby.

In 2013, Karai Welfare Society under took major refurbishment works to male & female wards. The works involved in laying ceramic floor tilting, painting to entire ward (internal and external), repair works to doors, windows, beds and some furniture’s. Total cost for this works were approximately 10,00,000/= (£5000). All works had been carried under supervision of Karai Abiveetruthi Sabai. We would like to thank to all our members, friends, well-wishers and KAS for their support.

Currently Swiss–Karai Development Board is undertaking to refurbishing the hospital labour room.

Government of Sri Lanka is also funding to build a two storey administrative block at the entrance of the hospital. This work has been started.

These works have certainly assist to improve the better care of the patients and will bring up the moral of the hospital staff.

Furthermore, the hospital is entering into “National Health Award” competition by the hospital DMO, Dr K Indramhan. We wish him all the best for the success in this award.

Here are some photos of recent works.


Karai Welfare Society – UK

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