Broad Appeal to the Karai Diaspora including the Members of the various Karai Societies

Broad Appeal to the Karai Diaspora including the Members of the various Karai Societies

Dear All

As the current incumbent of the Presidency of Karainagar Abiviruthi Sabai aka Karainagar
Development Society (KDS) I spent most part of the year in my home village( changing into
a town by thick and fast). In this capacity I observe a few things which are heart bleeding.
Those of you who are lucky enough to uproot your elderly folks to foreign soils may not
know the fact that there are still many weak and old souls some of whom are suffering
from mental depressions. A tiny fraction of these people resort to suicide because they
don’t have any one to go to for medical and other help. Yes friends, I could observe this as I
spend a great part of my time in that environment. Nevertheless there are some scrupulous
individuals who approach various people and organisations abroad with the pretension of
helping the island and the islanders. These individuals are a minority and whilst accepting
the fact that they do some good deeds but their main motive is to help themselves as
well. So friends, in future if you want to help your folks including your old schools or other
establishments back home, first establish that they in fact need your help and then do it
yourselves without going through the self- appointed middle men. Alternatively there are
our Karai Socities around the world who have come up with a brilliant idea of working
under one roof with KDS at home as the co-ordinator of the various projects, whether
helping an individual or an establishment and they publish all their good deeds on the Karai

Incidentally, as I mentioned earlier we need to pay some attention to the old and the sick.
As an immediate concern, Dr Swaminathan approached me the other day and asked if KDS
could assist in providing some accommodation for the mentally disturbed people so that
they could get clinical treatment locally. These are the old and the sick people who are left
behind because they don’t have any one to look to or neglected by their folks abroad.

You and your children are doing a fantastic job in raising the funds for the needy back home.
In this respect your children take active part in staging cultural programs etc. During my
sojourn as secretary of Karai Welfare society (UK) I observed that some of our youth may
not be good at taking part in the cultural activities but they possess immense administrative
and other talents which are yet to be tapped. So why don’t we organise a “Grand Parents
Day” and get these youngsters organise funds and help you to undertake such projects.

So friends, this is an idea only and to implement I am here to devote my time (not all of it as
KDS takes substantial part of it). I take full responsibility for all of the contents in this article
and if anyone out there is offended I apologise in advance.

Yours truly

Siva. T. M